The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Lent-entions

Lent is well underway now, and although I no longer believe in or practice any conventional Christian things, aside from occasional prayers to saints, or praying the rosary, or what-have-you, I do still enjoy the Lenten season, it is a lovely opportunity to exert some sense of self-control or self-discipline regarding the sort of person I would like to be, or the kinds of skills I want to develop, you get the idea.

I typically choose at least one thing I commit to doing (or not-doing) as a part of my daily life, and then I crash and burn shortly thereafter, but at least I end up with a somewhat-legitimate reason to feel bad about myself. That’s gotta count for something, right? (I’m kidding, mostly! I was brought up Methodist after all, and they know how to be puritanical moralizing hooligans, I tell you what)

This year, I chose to write something every day, regardless of whether that was a piece of poetry, or several poems, or a blog entry, like this one, or a short story, or a letter to a friend…

I’ve been not-writing at least as many days as I’ve been managing to write. But, I’ve been writing more lately than I have in recent months, and that counts for something in my book!

Also, keep your eyes peeled in the near future for some book reviews, I’ve been reading a few good magic/occult/pagan books lately, and I realized a few days ago that I should post book reviews on here, since that’s something I look for, aside from glowing recommendations from trusted friends of course.

That’s all for today, I reckon. I’m gonna go for a quick walk around town in the last vestiges of daylight that are left here in Northern Wisconsin.

Do you give anything up, or take on any particular challenges during Lent? I’d be interested to hear about any other relatively ‘structured’ ways to try to cultivate better habits and suchlike, aside from Lent.

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